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In 2020, I started my Life List series, a project to paint all the native bird species on my life list. So far, I’ve completed more than 130 paintings of my 420+ life list. Inspired by my bird hikes, many of these paintings depict the birds with native flora. My work combines two of my passions and captures fond memories of birds, from familiar backyard birds to lifers I only got to see for a split second.
Life List Series - 2025
Life List Series - 2024
136. Red-eyed Vireo
135. Rusty Blackbird
134. Evening Grosbeak
133. Black-throated Gray Warbler
132. Henslow's Sparrow
131. Red-tailed Hawk
130. Olive-sided Flycatcher
129. Green Catbird
128. Golden-winged Warbler
127. Black-backed Woodpecker
126. Barn Swallow
125. Heermann's Gull
124. Whimbrel
123. Blackburnian Warbler
122. Lincoln's Sparrow
121. Pied Currawong
120. Superb Fairywren
119. Crested Pigeon
118. Wood Thrush
117. Australian King Parrot
116. Black-throated Green Warbler
115. Blue-headed Vireo
114. Hooded Merganser
113. Red-browed Firetail
112. Snow Goose
111. Northern Saw-whet Owl
110. Scarlet Tanager
109. Boreal Chickadee
108. Great Gray Owl
107. American Crow
106. Eastern Bluebird
105. Bohemian Waxwing
104. Eastern Spinebill